The fourth season of the American television series Bones premiered on September 3, 2008 with a two-hour episode and concluded on May 14, 2009 on the Fox Network. The show changed time slots again, airing on Wednesdays at 8:00 pm ET before moving to Thursdays at 8:00 pm ET in 2009. The season consisted of 26 episodes and averaged 10.8 million viewers. In the UK, the season premiered on September 25, 2008 and concluded on May 28, 2009 on Sky1, and averaged 827,000 viewers.
- 4 - 1Yanks in the U.K. (1) Sep. 03, 2008
- 4 - 2Yanks in the U.K. (2) Sep. 03, 2008
- 4 - 3The Finger in the Nest Sep. 10, 2008
- 4 - 4The Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond Sep. 17, 2008
- 4 - 5The Crank in the Shaft Sep. 24, 2008
- 4 - 6The He in the She Oct. 01, 2008
- 4 - 7The Skull in the Sculpture Oct. 08, 2008
- 4 - 8The Con Man in the Meth Lab Nov. 05, 2008
- 4 - 9The Passenger in the Oven Nov. 12, 2008
- 4 - 10The Bone That Blew Nov. 19, 2008
- 4 - 11Double Trouble in the Panhandle Nov. 26, 2008
- 4 - 12Fire in the Ice Jan. 22, 2009
- 4 - 13The Hero in the Hold Jan. 22, 2009
- 4 - 14The Princess and the Pear Feb. 05, 2009
- 4 - 15The Bones That Foam Feb. 19, 2009
- 4 - 16The Salt in the Wounds Mar. 12, 2009
- 4 - 17The Doctor in the Den Mar. 19, 2009
- 4 - 18The Science in the Physicist Apr. 02, 2009
- 4 - 19The Cinderella in the Cardboard Apr. 09, 2009
- 4 - 20Mayhem on a Cross Apr. 15, 2009
- 4 - 21The Double Death of the Dearly Departed Apr. 16, 2009
- 4 - 22The Girl in the Mask Apr. 20, 2009
- 4 - 23The Beaver in the Otter Apr. 23, 2009
- 4 - 24The Critic in the Cabernet Apr. 30, 2009
- 4 - 25The End in the Beginning May. 07, 2009
- 4 - 26The End in the Beginning May. 14, 2009