Set after the events of Titans, the Doom Patrol – consisting of Robotman, Negative Man, Elasti-Woman, and Crazy Jane, and led by Dr. Niles Caulder / The Chief – receive a mission from Cyborg that they cannot ignore and will change their lives.
- 1 - 1Pilot Feb. 15, 2019
- 1 - 2Donkey Patrol Feb. 22, 2019
- 1 - 3Puppet Patrol Mar. 01, 2019
- 1 - 4Cult Patrol Mar. 08, 2019
- 1 - 5Paw Patrol Mar. 15, 2019
- 1 - 6Doom Patrol Patrol Mar. 22, 2019
- 1 - 7Therapy Patrol Mar. 29, 2019
- 1 - 8Danny Patrol Apr. 05, 2019
- 1 - 9Jane Patrol Apr. 12, 2019
- 1 - 10Hair Patrol Apr. 19, 2019
- 1 - 11Frances Patrol Apr. 26, 2019
- 1 - 12Cyborg Patrol May. 03, 2019
- 1 - 13Flex Patrol May. 10, 2019
- 1 - 14Penultimate Patrol May. 17, 2019
- 1 - 15Ezekiel Patrol May. 24, 2019