The team unexpectedly travels to the future and finds an unwelcome surprise. Faced with their imminent demise, the Doom Patrol must decide once and for all which is more important: their own happiness or the fate of the world?
- 4 - 1Doom Patrol Dec. 08, 2022
- 4 - 2Butt Patrol Dec. 08, 2022
- 4 - 3Nostalgia Patrol Dec. 15, 2022
- 4 - 4Casey Patrol Dec. 22, 2022
- 4 - 5Youth Patrol Dec. 29, 2022
- 4 - 6Hope Patrol Jan. 05, 2023
- 4 - 7Orqwith Patrol Oct. 12, 2023
- 4 - 8Fame Patrol Oct. 12, 2023