The story of the legendary rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford which began early on their careers, climaxed on the set of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” and evolved into an Oscar vendetta.
- 1 - 1Pilot Mar. 05, 2017
- 1 - 2The Other Woman Mar. 12, 2017
- 1 - 3Mommie Dearest Mar. 19, 2017
- 1 - 4More, or Less Mar. 26, 2017
- 1 - 5And the Winner is... (The Oscars of 1963) Apr. 02, 2017
- 1 - 6Hagsploitation Apr. 09, 2017
- 1 - 7Abandoned! Apr. 16, 2017
- 1 - 8You Mean All This Time We Could Have Been Friends? Apr. 23, 2017