In season three, a desperate message from a long-lost friend draws Starfleet legend Admiral Jean-Luc Picard into the most daring mission of his life, forcing him to recruit allies spanning generations old and new. This final adventure sets him on a collision course with the legacy of his past and explosive, new revelations that will alter the fate of the Federation forever.
- 3 - 1The Next Generation Feb. 16, 2023
- 3 - 2Disengage Feb. 23, 2023
- 3 - 3Seventeen Seconds Mar. 02, 2023
- 3 - 4No Win Scenario Mar. 09, 2023
- 3 - 5Imposters Mar. 16, 2023
- 3 - 6Bounty Mar. 23, 2023
- 3 - 7Dominion Mar. 30, 2023
- 3 - 8Surrender Apr. 06, 2023
- 3 - 9Vox Apr. 13, 2023
- 3 - 10The Last Generation Apr. 20, 2023