Picking up after the explosive events of season one, season two finds “The Morning Show” team emerging from the wreckage of Alex and Bradley’s actions, to a new UBA and a world in flux, where identity is everything and the chasm between who we present as and who we really are comes into play.
- 2 - 1My Least Favorite Year Sep. 17, 2021
- 2 - 2It’s Like the Flu Sep. 23, 2021
- 2 - 3Laura Oct. 01, 2021
- 2 - 4Kill the Fatted Calf Oct. 08, 2021
- 2 - 5Ghosts Oct. 14, 2021
- 2 - 6A Private Person Oct. 21, 2021
- 2 - 7La Amara Vita Oct. 29, 2021
- 2 - 8Confirmations Nov. 04, 2021
- 2 - 9Testimony Nov. 11, 2021
- 2 - 10Fever Nov. 18, 2021