In season two, following the aftermath of their encounter with Trigon, Dick Grayson reforms the Titans. Under his supervision in their new home at Titans Tower, Rachel, Gar and Jason Todd train together to hone their hero abilities and work together as a team. They are joined by Hank Hall and Dawn Granger aka Hawk and Dove and Donna Troy aka Wonder Girl. Although these original Titans attempt to transition into a regular life, when old enemies resurface everyone must come together to take care of unfinished business.
- 2 - 1Trigon Sep. 06, 2019
- 2 - 2Rose Sep. 13, 2019
- 2 - 3Ghosts Sep. 20, 2019
- 2 - 4Aqualad Sep. 27, 2019
- 2 - 5Deathstroke Oct. 04, 2019
- 2 - 6Conner Oct. 11, 2019
- 2 - 7Bruce Wayne Oct. 18, 2019
- 2 - 8Jericho Oct. 25, 2019
- 2 - 9Atonement Nov. 01, 2019
- 2 - 10Fallen Nov. 08, 2019
- 2 - 11E.L._.O. Nov. 15, 2019
- 2 - 12Faux Hawk Nov. 22, 2019
- 2 - 13Nightwing Nov. 29, 2019