Stranger Things online sa prevodom
Sezone i epizode
1Sezona 1 Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 1Chapter One: The Vanishing Of Will Byers Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 2Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 3Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 4Chapter Four: The Body Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 5Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 6Chapter Six: The Monster Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 7Chapter Seven: The Bathtub Jul. 15, 2016
- 1 - 8Chapter Eight: The Upside Down Jul. 15, 2016
2Sezona 2 Oct. 27, 2017
3Sezona 3 Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 1Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy? Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 2Chapter Two: The Mall Rats Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 3Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 4Chapter Four: The Sauna Test Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 5Chapter Five: The Flayed Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 6Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 7Chapter Seven: The Bite Jul. 04, 2019
- 3 - 8Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt Jul. 04, 2019
4Sezona 4 May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 1Chapter One: The Hellfire Club May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 2Chapter Two: Vecna's Curse May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 3Chapter Three: The Monster and the Superhero May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 4Chapter Four: Dear Billy May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 5Chapter Five: The Nina Project May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 6Chapter Six: The Dive May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 7Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab May. 27, 2022
- 4 - 8Chapter Eight: Papa Jul. 01, 2022
- 4 - 9Chapter Nine: The Piggyback Jul. 01, 2022
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Godina 1980. Montauk. Joyce pokušava pronaći sina Willa koji je jednog dana u Indiani nestao bez traga pod neobičnim okolnostima. Nakon potrage lokalne policije koja nije dala rezultata, Joyce zajedno s njegovim najboljim prijateljem Mikeom pokušava otkriti istinu o nestanku i vratiti svog sina. Nestanak dječaka uvući će prijatelje, obitelj i policiju u vrtlog misterija u kojem se prepliću najveći vladini tajni eksperimenti, zastrašujuće natprirodne sile i jedna jako čudna djevojčica Eleven.
Originalni naziv
Stranger Things
IMDb ocena
8.4 3,760 glasova
Prva epizoda
Jul. 15, 2016
Zadnja epizoda
Jul. 04, 2019
Broj sezona
Broj epizoda
Trajanje epizoda
50 minuta